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Glenlee Night Hawk


Titles : Eu Win, Ch Inter, Fin, Blr, Ukr, Rus, Grand, Baltic win, 15 CACIB 










Main 7 males and bitches of French Bulldog Kennel 'Iz Palevyh Buldogov' Owner of the kennel: Elena Kozhevnikova
Vice-President of the National French Bulldog Club of Russia
Member of French Bulldog Ñlubs of the USA and Gread Britain
Russian Cynologic Federation expert

Waiting for your letters and messages: e-mail - frbulldog@mail.ru, phone - +7 (095) 951-63-51; 8 903 199 0841

© 2001 - 2012 - "IZ PALEVYH BULDOGOV"